Running Shoes 4 Kids

Our commitment to empowering Kootenai County kids to make #GoGood choices for their community since 2012

Why Running Shoes 4 Kids?

We are called Running Shoes 4 Kids - RS4K - because we do just that...provide running shoes to kids. At our core, RS4K wants to encourage our youth to believe that they have the resilience and ability to accomplish hard things, but they can't do it without the right shoes to take those challenging steps. That's why we have dedicated our efforts to collecting and donating quality running shoes to families in need throughout our community.

Since 2012, RS4K has provided more than 1,100 pairs of shoes to kids and adults throughout North Idaho.

Let us ask you a good do you feel in a new pair of shoes? Like you can accomplish anything, right? It's that renewed sense of confidence that gives you the strength within and helps you walk just a little taller. That's how we want our future generation to feel when they step out into the world - like anything is possible. Help us put shoes on their feet!

We accept new and very gently-used athletic shoes donations for kids and adults of all sizes. Cash donations are also welcome.

Serving Our North Idaho Community


Encouraging kids to choose a healthy, active lifestyle by providing them with quality athletic shoes.

Strengthening our community by supporting kids, families, schools, local organizations and businesses.

Empowering every individual to believe in themselves to make positive choices and accomplish hard things.

The Power to #GoGood

Do you know that 1 in 5 kids are bullied?

More than half our teens are bullied online?

RS4K continues to grow and broaden our outreach efforts, collaborating with local schools and youth-based programs to support Project #GoGood. This project recognizes kids throughout Kootenai County for demonstrating #GoGood values through acts of kindness, effective responsibility, and focusing on resilience in themselves and others.

We want kids who choose to #GoGood to know that their efforts to be their best are seen and valued by a community that cares about them. That's why we provide running shoes as an award to empower individuals and support #GoGood behaviors.

“As a mom of 3, my money usually goes towards things for my kids. This past year I was gifted a pair of running shoes from RS4K. I was chosen as a teacher who chose to show signs of how to #GoGood around the school and our community. This pair of shoes was the first pair of new sneakers I have had in about 15 years! It was such a huge blessing! Thank you RS4K for gifting kind people LOVE through giving them some running shoes!”

— Ashley, #GoGood Program

#GoGood Community Event
Run 2 Summer

Our premier fundraiser! An all-ages community event and fun run that helps provide quality running shoes to kids in Kootenai County and supports our year-round local outreach efforts. It’s a day the whole family can enjoy!

We had over 400 people attend our annual #GoGood Community Event and Run 2 Summer last year! RS4K invites you to join us on Saturday, June 29th in Spirit Lake, ID.

Not a runner? Not a problem! This event isn’t about how you finish the race, just that you have fun doing it. Run, walk, or even bear crawl…we will be at the finish line cheering you on.


50 Pairs of Shoes! Each participant will receive a free raffle ticket for a chance to win a pair of running shoes of their choice.


Making Strides in the News

Run 2 Summer

In its eighth year, Run 2 Summer is as much of a "fun raiser" as it is fundraiser. Every person who registers will receive a drawing ticket for a chance to win a sweet new pair of running shoes…
CDA Press

Kids ‘Go good’ with new sneakers

For sixth grade Lakes Middle School student Damian Bosson, the brand new black Nike sneakers with a trademark white swoop were the "perfect fit"…
CDA Press

You can take your own steps to help make a difference in our community! Donations to RS4K help us to continue providing quality athletic shoes to kids in Kootenai County and empower them to #GoGood through our school outreach programs.

Stay connected.